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Your new guppies

Thank you for your purchase! All guppy and plant purchases go directly towards my aquarium hobby.
Please follow the instructions below for getting your new guppies home safely.

Transferring new guppies to your tank:
1)  Open the shipping box in a low-light room to reduce stress and shock from sudden light.


2) Turn off the tank lights. Low light will make it easier for the fish to adjust and be less stressed.

3) Leave the fish bag(s) unopened and let them float in your tank for about 20 minutes to acclimate them to the tank temperature.

4) Carefully open up the bag and add some of your tank water into the bag using a cup to pour it in (so it is about 50% bag water, 50% tank water). Reseal the bag using a rubberband and let it float for another 15 minutes. This allows the fish get used to the water parameters of your tank water.

5) It’s now time to release the fish into your tank! Make sure they have plants and hiding spaces to make them feel safe.
Leave the tank lights off for a few hours for the fish to adjust happily. Offer them feed them after a few hours.


Quarantine: Although I guarantee all of my fish healthy, it's still an important practice to quarantine any new fish for at least 14 days prior to adding them into a tank with your other fish. Keeping a separate "hospital" tank is a great way to quarantine new fish or for treating sick or injured fish.

Live Plants: To plant your Java Fern you can mount it to rock or driftwood using cotton string. Or you can float them. The baby Java fern are small now but with appropriate light and time will grow and fill out your tank. Guppies love to sleep on Java fern leaves and to eat the algae “salad” that may grow on its leaves. Live plants help keep your water clean by recycling fish waste they also provide a safe place for your fish to hide.

Happy Healthy Fish
Make sure to test your water parameters weekly when your tank is new using api test kit (recommended) or test strips.
You don’t want to find any levels of ammonia In the water because it is toxic to the fish.
Remember to Do 25% water changes at least twice a month, doing higher changes if levels are off.
always use dechlorinator conditioner on your tap water to make sure it’s safe for the fish.

Cycling your tank and knowing the Nitrogen Cycle is so important. Your tank must be set up properly and be cycled in order for your fish to live.
I recommend API Freshwater Master Test kit to check your water parameters frequently.

©2023 by Melissa Hodge. Proudly created with

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